在不太遥远的未来,人类的衰老极限是25岁,此后的自然寿命只有一年。社会的通用货币就是时间,可以此交易,延长寿命直至永生。自然,时间清零便是死亡。通胀严重,贫富分化,富人在悠闲中百无聊赖,穷人在疾驰中暴毙,甚至有时间劫犯,四处谋命。底层青年Will Salas被控与莫须有的窃取时间和谋杀罪名,情急之下挟持富家姑娘Sylvia Weis亡命天涯,产生了难分难解的牵绊。
你是从新格林尼治来的? You’re from New Greenwich.
看得出来吗? Does it show?
不 Nah.
看来你可以用些帮助自己 Looks like you could use some help yourself.
不用,谢了 No, thanks.
你多大了? How old are you?
实际年龄 In real time?
28 Twenty-eight.
我105了 I’m 105.
不赖 Good for you.
再像今晚这样,你就见不到106了 You won’t see 106, you have too many more nights like tonight.
你说得没错 You are right.
但这一天还是会来的,当你觉得日子过够了时 But the day comes when you’ve had enough.
肉体尚存,灵魂已逝 Your mind can be spent, even if your body’s not.
我们想死 We want to die.
我们得死 We need to.
这就是你的问题吗?活得太久了? That’s your problem? You’ve been alive too long?
你认识的人有死去的吗? You ever known anyone who’s died?
要让极少数人永生,大部分人必须死 For a few to be immortal, many must die.
那到底是什么意思? What the hell is that supposed to mean?
你真的不知道,是吗? You really don’t know, do you?
无人能永生,不然把他们放哪? Everyone can’t live forever. Where would we put them?
你认为为什么要有时区? Why do you think there are Time Zones?
你认为为什么税收和物价会每天涨个不停? Why do you think taxes and prices go up the same day in the ghetto?
生活成本不停提高,是为了确保人们不停死亡 The cost of living keeps rising to make sure people keep dying.
否则怎么会有人拥有百万年的时间 How else could there be men with a million years
而多数人则需要数着日子过? while most live day to day?
但真相是… But the truth is
这有够多了 there’s more than enough.
没人应该在过完有生之日前就死掉 No one has to die before their time.
如果你有和我一样多的时间 If you had as much time as I have on that clock,
你会用它做什么呢? what would you do with it?
不再一直看它 I’d stop watching it.
我可以告诉你一件事 I can tell you one thing.
如果我有那么多时间 If I had all that time,
我肯定不会浪费它们 I sure as hell wouldn’t waste it.
——Henry Hamilton与Will Salas在废弃厂房中的对话,Henry选择了将自己一个多世纪的时间给了Will并留下遗言:Don’t waste my time。由此Will决定改变这一切。
我不记得我们是否荣幸见过?先生 I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of your company before, Mr…
萨拉斯 Salas.
威尔·萨拉斯 Will Salas.
菲利普·唯伊思,您一定是来自大户人家 Philippe Weis. You must come from time.
可以说我是用全部身家做赌注 You could say I’m gambling my inheritance.
你没有保镖吗,萨拉斯先生? You don’t have a guard, Mr. Salas?
我认为我身处朋友之中 I assumed I was amongst friends.
和你赌50年 Bet you 50 years.
你一定还很年轻 You must be young.
如果你像我一样,过上85年的25岁 When you’ve been 25 for 85 years, like I have,
就会知道小小的暴力意外就能夺走你的生命 knowing only a random act of violence can take your life,
你要学会感激你所拥有的 you learn to appreciate what you have.
看起来你有很多要感激的 And you seem to have a lot to appreciate.
我跟 I call.
当然,有人会认为我们所拥有的并不公平 Of course, some think what we have is unfair.
时区间的时间差异 The time difference between Zones.
我听说过 I’ve heard that.
但这不就是进化的下一个合理步骤吗 But isn’t this just the next logical step in our evolution?
进化不就是不公平的吗? And hasn’t evolution always been unfair?
永远是适者生存 It’s always been survival of the fittest.
再加200年 Raise you another two centuries.
这只是一种达尔文式资本主义制度 This is merely Darwinian capitalism.
自然选择 Natural selection.
毫无疑问 Absolutely.
强者生存 The strong survive.
我看你手气不好 And I think your hand is weak.
我跟 I call.
看起来你是押上全部了,萨拉斯先生? It appears you’re all in, Mr. Salas.
13位数了 Thirteen figures.
很不错嘛 Well played.
这可真是个冒险啊 That was some risk.
这不是冒险 It wasn’t a risk.
无意冒犯,我知道我会赢 No offense. I knew I was going to win.
——4区首富Philippe Weis和Will Salas在赌场中的一段对话。在戏里赌注是时间,生命。Will押上几乎全部时间,冒险扳回一局。