前篇文章介绍了windows家的live writer,虽然好用,但在linux下又没法使用。今特地找了linux下的一款博客编写工具drivel,支持wordpress,试用了下,觉得也蛮好。是基于html代码的编辑方式,提供一些简单的格式,字懒得打了,就复制一段介绍给各位看看。
Drivel is a GTK+ client for working with online journals, also known as
weblogs or blogs. It retains an elegant design while supporting LiveJournal,
Blogger, MovableType, Advogato, and Atom journals, as well as derivatives such
as WordPress and Drupal.
It allows you to perform most functions that are supported by the server
(posting, friends editing, friend page checking, post editing etc).
安装直接在新立得软件管理器搜索drivel就可以了,发表文章时可以选择类别,添加标签。值得一提的是在登录的时候需要选择日记类型为Movable Type,服务器地址也要些完整的xmlrpc路径。在格式中可以选择粗体、斜体,加入图片、链接等等,有兴趣的自己尝试吧。